So after much pestering from friends I have started a blog to keep them entertained as well as myself while I sit in my office.
Over the past week I have been pondering life and the direction it is going. I have a lot of plans, dreams, and goals... and trying to get a plan to accomplish all of these together is a daunting task to be sure. What do you do when you desire multiple things and it seems to accomplish one you have to put the other on hold, or scrap that idea all together. Well I for one am not willing to scrap anything. I truly believe I can accomplish everything with God's help. They are all positive, life improving, humanitarian (well some of them) goals.... but I don't have the patients to wait for them to all work out on their own... I want them all now!!!
Obviously NOW! doesn't always work and my desire for instant gratification will not be granted. But I am working towards them, making the baby steps involved. I am working on my application to med. school, studying for the MCAT, paying off bills, praying about it all... and some reason I don't feel like I am doing anything.... ahhhhh
On a brighter note: My house is decorated, lights up, decorations out, and I am super excited about Christmas...
I have had Christmas music playing at work on Pandora for about 3 weeks now, my kids think I am nuts... it's great! Pixie and I are going to Shreveport, making a few stops in Tyler, Dallas, Houston along the way... and I couldn't be happier. YaY! For the Holidays!!!