For all the little happenings in my life that make me who I am. Stuff I find inspiring, frustrating, helpful, or humorous.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I want to start a community
So Melisa told me she would be my cook and maid basically the ultimate host ever... and I liked that idea.. I truly do miss having someone else do all that for me and so does my figure... haha So I told her I'd build her a house right next to mine for her and her husband. this got me thinking.. Why not have all of my friends come live by me??? For this to happen it has to be legitimate... they all need jobs and we really should do something to better the world since we will all be blissfully happy.. So my idea came to life. See Mel's husband is a biologist currently working at the zoo so I thought well cool we can save some endangered animal, start a conservatory, which ever animal he has a heart to save works for me... thus starts government funding for land etc. well if we do that we'll probably need a vet, anyone know a good vet??? Then I thought we'll need someone to do PR for this place insert Julie. I would also like this to be in a 3rd world country somewhere, and would love for all of us to do some sort of missionary outreach. So Tayler your in charge of that, you have the most experience. I would want to teach the children of the area so all you teachers yup you are in on this as well and Tay if you want to teach you can of course! Along with teachers, coaches to get the people involved in sports and wanting to do sports outreach of course are coming.. so Cristy and Paige start packing. Well where there are children there are abused kids and children who need help with all their thoughts.. so Steph come on, now.. we are going to need legal and medical advice so Emily and Jim yup your in, as well as Ty and Miranda... one can never have enough legal advice. Oh and financial help will be needed with all the complicated non-profit stuff and the conservatory.. so I'd love to bring on Laura who is a soon to be CPA and Nick your coming with Julie. Along with Emily as our NP we'll prob need a pharmacist so Stephanie your in, and hopefully by this time i'll be a Dr. but if any of you know any other physicians who want to come on board they are welcome. :) Now we are all going to need food, so i'm thinking any farmers out there or avid weekend gardeners interested in turning that into a full time gig?? Any other professions are totally welcome and wanted. This is a very basic rubric to build from. I did only think of it in the shower after all... but yeah Hope you guys are as stoked about this as I am... I am seriously going to start planning this out... Ohh and I should probably mention, no money is needed once we get settled... totally on the bartering system and no stereotypes of "I am this so I have more or am worth more"... this is totally a God venture first, and we will trust him to provide. We are all equal in his eyes as believers and therefor we should live this way. So any ideas of where we want to start this little community???
Thursday, January 29, 2009
25 fabulous things about me!
1. I am a fanatic about conditioners... tho I rarely have enough hot water left to fully appreciate it.
2. My favorite flowers are pansy's and tulips.
3. I tend to be my own contradiction... I think highly of myself, but nothing I do.
4. I am addicted to starbucks, not coffee just starbucks..
5. I don't have TV.
6. My friends are fabulous and all over the world.
7. I love to travel I like MEL want to see all & continents... and soon. Financing is appreciated!
8. I am not spoiled I am just loved.. this has been my response for years and I think its pretty great!
9. I am very sarcastic.
10. I do not ever want kids. They are fine when they are other peoples, but Definitely NOT for me.
11. I am loyal to everyone I know... until they forget about me. I am be angry and still do anything for them... they can tell me never to talk to them again, and I am still there. Forget about me and i'm pretty much done.
12. I don't know my true hair color.
13. The favorite place I have lived is probably Montana. I want a ranch there desperately.
14. The next permanent destination I have in mind is Europe.
15. Pink highlighters are my favorite.
16. I love sports but prefer playing to watching. I am doing a triathlon in June for the first time in a long time.
17. I love the outdoors, camping, kayaking, hiking, snowboarding etc. but hate the things outside like bugs.
18. My baby girl Pixie probably knows me better than anyone and she is absolutely fabulous!!! I don't know what I would do without her.
19. I love my family, but I am okay with not seeing them for extended periods of time. We are not close.
20. I am going to be an Aunt in March!!!
21. I don't know what exactly I want to do when I grow up.
22. I love pictures. Taking them, being in them, looking at them.
23. I loved having maids and a cook and would love to have that again one day.
24. I have no idea how to cook, and would probably starve without take out and a microwave.
25. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and face. People who don't know me or have ever seen can still know the exact mood I am in.
Hope ya learned something new!
"Rock My World "
Unsettle me.
These are the two words rattling about in my brain today. I almost wish it was a more glamorous prayer. Surely more eloquent words could be found for what I'm feeling led to pursue during this new year. But these are the words - this is the prayer for my 2009.
The funny thing is I've spent my whole existence trying to find a place to settle down, people to settle down with, and a spirit about me worthy of all this settled down-ness. All of this is good. A contented heart, thankful for its blessings is a good way to settle.
But there are areas of my life that have also settled that mock my desires to be godly woman - compromises if you will. Attitudes that I've wrapped in the lie, "Well, that's just how I am. And if that's all the bad that's in me, I'm doing pretty good."
I dare you, dear soul of mine, to notice the stark evidence of a spirit that is tainted and a heart that must be placed under the microscope of God's Word. Yes, indeed, unsettle me Lord.
Unearth that remnant of unforgiveness.
Shake loose that justification for harshness.
Reveal that broken shard of pride.
Expose that tendency to distrust.
Unsettle me in the best kind of way. For when I allow Your touch to reach the deepest parts of me - dark and dingy and hidden away too long - suddenly, a fresh wind of life twists and twirls and dances through my soul.
I can delight in forgiveness and love more deeply.
I can discover my gentle responses and find softer ways for my words to land.
I can recognize the beauty of humility and crave the intimacy with God it unleashes.
I can rest assured though harsh winds blow, I will be held.
Goodbye to my remnants, my justifications, shards, and tendencies. This is not who I am, nor who I was created to be.
Goodbye shallow love, sharp words, self-focus, and suspicious fears. I am an unsettled woman who no longer wishes to take part in your distractions or destructions.
Welcome deeper love, softer words, unleashed intimacy, and the certainty I am held.
Welcome my unsettled heart.
Welcome 2009
While I may not have written the exact 2 words... I have thought them and I truly desire for God to continue to shake things up and rock my world! What a blessing to know and hear someone else's desire for the same thing in their own life, and learn a way to invest myself in it even more. If this pertains to your life as well, join me in reading Hebrews over the next few weeks and see how God reveals himself to you. I'd love to hear about it and I am sure you readers will see how He is speaking to me!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
emotional??? no, not me!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
unusual greatness
Sunday, January 18, 2009
In another topic altogether, Today has been an amazing, gorgeous day, and after I got home from church in love with the warmth provided by some amazing sun, I put on a swim suit and got my blanket and spend 3 amazing hours laying out in 70's degree weather soaking in the rays. I am determined to take advantage of being on the coast and work on my tan in January! I love it!!! and feel free to be jealous while you're bundled up in jackets and pants :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Praising Jesus!!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
New Tricks
Sunday, January 11, 2009
snooze button
I feel as if I am living my life lukewarm... I am not fully a part of anything, confused as to where I fit in, and where I belong. I want to be on fire in my life. I want to be passionate about God, but how do I get there? I thought once I was, and maybe that's true, but where did the Passion go? Was it real? How do I get it back? Am I like the church of Sardis? Spiritually dead appearing to be alive? I feel as if God is speaking to me directly through John and the book of relevation, saying "wake up!" Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my Go

Friday, January 9, 2009
The "better"
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
crazy mixed up little ol' me
Not only was I in the dumps about that, but I was once again feeling downtrodden with work and the people (mostly the students) I am surrounded by everyday. My students had they bi-semester hate-fest with me and brought some parts of myself to light... While I would have liked it handled differently, I can after long reflecting, that SOME of their complaints may be true. I do tend to be moody I'm a girl it's my prerogative... but I need to work on taking said mood out on the people around me... I get it. Their other complaints involved me being who I am and are part of why I believe God brought me here.
God wanted to teach me a lot.. and I needed it. When I get a calling to do something, I want to do it now! and while my heart said I am ready NOW! the rest of me wasn't. I am still learning a lot about myself and I believe to live is to learn, and if your not learning your not living. Learning has definitely been happening a lot lately and I want it to continue, maybe if I quit being so hard headed God won't have to keep trying to teach me the same things over and over, because honestly with every attempt they get harder and harder.
So to the mess, it has definitely been fun/interesting/different, with only a few exceptions... problem is I am not paying for them. So I went to a great party with some great friends whom I cherish and the people I have met through them are wonderful people as well. For this I am truly blessed... I often forget this b/c they now live so far away, but I am. The Party was great, except I let the habits from my life during the hiatus of walking with God peak through just a little bit. But innocent kissing... whats the harm except when there are multiple guys being kissed in one night.. oops!
The next weekend, was exciting for different reasons.. i was getting to leave town again! ugh another 8 hr drive, but this time i was getting to leave for 2 weeks!!! and ti was expected to be 2 weeks full of friends and family I couldn't wait. Also, There was Oysterfest, a party which had been talked up since taking the job here in wonderful Port Lavaca but the coach who hosts it, and the rest of the coaching staff. Needless to say, I was excited, I love a good party. The party was fun, I ate my first oyster ever, not too bad, but they were BBQ'd and I am not sure I am ready to venture to the raw ones yet.... :? Call me naive but I had no idea about the pretense that comes with eating oysters... until that night. Oh the things my coaching staff enlightens me about. I am sure a reminiscent post will ensue some day soon. So after the party a friend, and I use the term loosely, asked if i wanted to come hang out... well sure what harm can happen, he knows me, knows where i stand, and is a nice guy. We've hung out a lot nothing has ever happened, and again my naivety led to disaster. This time was a little different. It started out like any other time we hung out, watching football, chatting ya know normal friend activities. As I said earlier, I felt like I could trust this guy a little (if you know me you know I don't really fully trust anyone)and we have had personal conversations before. No big deal! Well it was late, and somehow I was leaning on his shoulder while sitting on the couch talking.... again an action I didn't think twice about. Well I guess I fell asleep. I vaguely remember him telling me to go to bed. Next thing I know, I wake up like 2 hours later in his bed with him. I have no idea about how i got there and got freaked and left. Imagine that. Left town the next morning and have suppressed this whole night.
I get to my parents house the next evening after playing Santa to my favorite family in Tyler... I really love those kids (shocking!) and of course their parents. I always enjoy my time with them and can't get enough of it!!! Once in Shreveport, my mom and I went shopping, then the parentals went to New Orleans to see my sister and her husband. Great i get to spend more time alone... I had plans of working out, and shopping, seeing all my friends, enjoying life with no commitments except to feed the dogs. Simple! Well, the working out didn't really happen, it was cold and rainy yuck!, the shopping of course did b/c well I believe shopping should be it's own sport, and friends, well they all still were working so no time for me. No biggie, I still enjoyed the time to myself (i guess it was the venue). Parents come back we have Christmas, and a few more mom sponsored shopping trips, and dad fixing my car to the detriment of my planned friend time in Tyler. I did however get to see my swim buddy and her fiance and that of course was great. Then it was time to get excited and packed for NYE in New Orleans!!! WOO HOO!
If you didn't know NYE is my 2nd favorite holiday after my Birthday of course! So Better than Ezra House of Blues, My flight attendant friend from High School and I were pumped! We get there, check in the hotel, get cute and to the Quarter we go. Once there, after wandering around trying to locate the House of Blues (I always get so lost there) we get there eat, and finally it time to get in tot he concert.. Woo Hoo!!! Walking in the door i met a guy who asked if I had ever heard Graham Col ton (the opening act ) which I had not, well he joined Friend and I to the bar with his friend, and the rest was set. navy boy and I spent the rest of the night together at the concert and New Years kisses were had! Innocent of course! Just a fun night with fun people. We added each other on Facebook and pictures have been shared. Well after the concert, I was not ready to go to bed and neither was he... so off to the bar at his hotel we headed.. well I never saw the bar as we ended up upstairs... some making out and cuddling was had. I went to my own Hotel sometime later that morning got a few hours of sleep, got up and had to fly then drive to get home. needless to say thanks to the open bar at the concert, new years day was a very LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGG day!!!!!
Now being back the boys have stopped (at least for a while) although some communication with navy boy is happening. The drinking has not yet stopped, but is slowing down considerably.... the partying like a college kid... well, I need to get my life back to where it needs to be with GOD and That is NOT it!!! Parting can be fine, but the out of controlness from the past month... probably not portraying the best Christ like life. So Pray that God will continue to work through me, show me the way, the path He wants, and how to not stray from it. I realize that God is my reason for being here and trying to seek and find him needs to be my main focus.. So hopefully from now on, this is what you'll be reading here. My struggles and triumphs in this task!!!