It's been almost 2 months since my last post.. for many reasons, and while I hate making excuses, I have since I've been back moved and started a new job. I have also been very reflective over the summer and everything that happened. Here is a thought I had a few days ago, and a few pictures from my summer!
As I was driving home from work the other day, I realized that in the past couple days I haven't had to plan my steps, avoiding obstacles, find the easiest and safest route... I am on auto pilot again as far as walking goes. This got me thinking, after spending so much time in Honduras this summer and working with so many teams I heard so many times, "My time here has changed my life" and it is true. Trips like theirs, and surely trips like mine change lives. They change not only the people we are witnessing to, but also ours...often with the greater impact being on our own. It is easy to return to the states, and remember for a few weeks maybe months, but sooner or later our tendacy is to go back on auto pilot. We get involved in out lives, our jobs or school, and the memories and the impact become distant thoughts pushed back, behind the grocery lists. 
This summer taught me a lot about my walk with God and so many areas it needed to be improved on, and as I am learning to walk again after being in a cast, on crutches, not walking, I feel I am also walking in a new way with God. I want to much to keep my walk with God a focus in my life, yet I was so pleasantly pleased with myself for not having to think about every step I take... although most still hurt even that is becoming easier to block out and move past... in the past my walk with God has become much like this. I once heard being healthy means never having to think about your body. But it has been my experience that when we don't think about our spiritual health and relationships our health fades.