Wednesday, April 1, 2009

uggh Seriously!

Have you ever had one of those days that was perfectly fine until you left your house? Well friends Today is one of those days!!! I was at my whits end at 7:00 this morning. People who have no need to be in my office in my office annoying me, my partner at work changing my schedule for me to accommodate his TWICE! and telling me I need to rearrange something I have planned for months for him to do something on a whim he has decided he has to do. Seriously, it's a respect thing, and I feel like i'm getting ZERO! maybe on another day it wouldn't bother me quite as much, but the last two weeks have just worn me down, but this has been a continuous thing lately. Whats a girl to do? I am trying to not speak my mind, to not say anything b/c anything I would say would be hateful and probably not sound very christian like, but seriously.... SERIOUSLY... I have asked for patience, I have asked for peace with the situation, but all I feel is frustrated and more annoyed. I really need a break, and more than one day a week.

1 comment:

  1. I think there is a world-wide respect drought. As my boyfriend likes to say, "I'm going butt-hole," (I edit obviously). He's reached the point where he's become so synical he's convinced that the only way people can get ahead at work and get respect is to act like a jerk, since others tend to walk all over you when you are polite and friendly.

    I say it's better to be the polite friendly person, because even if it feels like others are walking all over you, at least you can be confident in the fact that you are a person of good moral standing.

    Of course there has got to be a happy medium somewhere...
