It all boils down to I need to be in The Word, spend some close personal time with GOD, and Listen to what he has for me. I know this. I know the anxiety that is keeping me awake at night will be pacified, and life will resume normalcy. So if I know this... why can't I do it?
things I need to get done:
Letters for Honduras Mission Trip: if anyone wants to sponsor me please let me know.
Resume Touch Ups
DAILY devotionals
Study for the MCAT
Lessons for Small Group
Quality time with my sweet Pixie!
Letters for Honduras Mission Trip: if anyone wants to sponsor me please let me know.
Resume Touch Ups
DAILY devotionals
Study for the MCAT
Lessons for Small Group
Quality time with my sweet Pixie!

Things I am needing direction for:
Jobs- stay or apply (go)
if stay: finding a house for next year
Finishing the school year strong!
Jobs- stay or apply (go)
if stay: finding a house for next year
Finishing the school year strong!