Have you ever been so frustrated with a master lock and it's key because it just would not work? Well I live my life using masterlocks and can I just say how frustrating! I know I have the right key and it will just not budge in the lock. I try wiggling, shaking, screaming, yelling, slamming the lock etc. and then once I am calm again, I try again pulling the key out just a little or wiggling it gently and TADAA open sesame. This exact thing happened while trying to set up the baby room for my sister. I had to call a friend of her's and her husband to come help me move out their guest furniture to their storage unit. We got the keys and set off. We get to the office and the gate is locked and we at this point are praying we have the key to open. Friend tries both keys on key ring and all three gates and nope couldn't get it. I asked to try and got it open fairly quickly.. Lots of practice I tell ya !
All this to say, how many times in our life do we try and fight to make something work we know works and yet it just isn't. With Careers, or finding one, studying in college, handling sticky situations with family, friends, remote controls, cell phones, pens oh goodness all the scribbling. But when we take a step back and let God lead the situation, He gets it on the first try. He just sits back, waits for us to give up and allow him to take over. We may know how to talk to friends, how to study, how to make a pen write, but without guidance, without peace we just can't get it. God has a plan, and sometimes doors are slammed just to teach us to rely on Him.
As for me I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. Micah 7:7
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