Wednesday, March 4, 2009

to sure of yourself????

OK so funny little comment made me think yesterday, but due to Taks testing I wasn't able to post until today. While of potty patrol with a co-worker a parent of said co workers former student came up. While discussing the child who kudos was just accepted to Julliard, a comment was made. Mom thought a girl was involved with student moving to Manhattan (already going to school in NY). Mom does not like girl for no other reason than

"she is just to sure of herself, Gives me the creeps"

Seriously is there a problem with being confident? The mom believes the girl came from a family of wealth (being I live in a poor rural area wealth is relative) and with said wealth came more opportunities, more experiences, all leading to more confidence. Why is having the belief that you can accomplish anything if you work hard and are dedicated to the task a horrible thing? Why would you not want your son to be involved with someone who has determination? Does God not tell us " you can do all things through me" ? I am just appalled with the mentality here, but am beginning to understand the lack of drive in the students here as well as the lack of ambition once they graduate. Destined to plant life forever?????


  1. Nothing wrong with confidence, as long as you also have a healthy dose of modesty. Actually, I am suddenly reminded of Star Wars, "You're overconfidence is your weakness." Darth Vader definitely had confidence, but he didn't have a shred of modesty in him.

  2. i would attribute it to two things. first: the corporate controlled media...i.e. too much tv (which causes apathy through instilling empty consumerism, as well as, removing the opportunity for reflection) and secondly fear. fear is the force behind the doldrums of dogma.
