Spending lots of money at once always stirrs my emotions, tugs at the frugal side of my brain, and just makes me nervous. I will never understand how I can make 5 gazillion little purchases back to back and not bat and eye, but when it comes down to investments, my stomach turns to one big knot with my head telling me that I don't need it... Shouldn't it be the other way around? I am sure that I don't need 99.99% of the little purchases I make, but when are investments a bad thing???
Okay, back to the post (please bear with my ADHD this morning) So, I bought my ticket. I couldn't be more excited about going, and each day only brings more excitement. I am ready to do the Lord's work, ready to live my life guided by Him and not my yucky boss. I am sad to have to leave my sweet Pixie for 3 months, and nervous about coming back and having to move and start a new job. The nervousness and next job deserve their own post coming soon. it's funny how one little click of a button causes all these emotions in my heart and I only hope that the giddiness and joy from God allowing me this opportunity overcome all the negative I am sure to face in the next month.