from which his power flows,
from which he rules the world.

OK so this picture of the Hoover Dam at night with everything calm and serene, I think of that is God sitting on top of that, looking down thinking "man I did good, this is beautiful" "I taught these humans well, gave them so much intelligence that they could build these magnificent things" " they take this and harness it for better use of their resources, they create usable energy from the simple things I gave them"
How blessed are we that God gave us these things, and our minds to create these things? And yes I know the other side where the conversationalists think dams are the most horrible things ever because they harm wildlife, kill fishies, etc. but I don't agree so I choose not to think that way :)

Then there is this picture of the exact same dam and... OK so God begins hearing from us humans... "man God blessed me, he gave me a brain, and I used this to make this magnificent creation" We begin to take credit. God hears, but there is still some praise to Him mixed in there, He must think "man these guys are ungrateful" but he may let it slide and only open one gate... we as humans continue with things working smoothly we wanted to let a little water in it works, we create energy, we are handling life pretty well. we begin to think we are the ones with the power, we make the decisions, we run things, we become proud. God sees this and hates it, e says "oh yeah well I have the power and if you need to be reminded here ya go" and he opens all those flood gates, floods the river, the surrounding land, and causes power overloads because the equipment couldn't handle all that energy and power at once... Life goes back to the basics, we are humbled, and God once again has the power.
How often in our own lives does this scenario play out? In mine, I have to admit more often than I would like. I am learning to praise Him through the good and the bad. Life has so many twists and turns hills and valleys... life at least mine really is a roller coaster or mass proportions. There is no way I am in control. Even when I am doing as much right as I know how, I apparently still am wrong and am reminded of this by having things slap me in the face or taken away from me... and after thinking through things, God is just trying to move me, to shake things up, and get me back on His track seeking Him again... Why am I so stubborn and proud that it takes things of great magnitude to get my attention...
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