Psalm 32:3 "When I kept it all inside,
my bones turned to powder,
my words became daylong groans."
God is our ultimate listener

. I so often forget this, because I have so many thoughts in my head when I release them, I want a response. It could be a response I don't like, but I would still like something. Some acknowledgment that someone is hearing me and paying attention to me. See I like attention. But I have felt that I have become negative and 90% of what comes out of my mouth is negative and while I thought I knew the cause for this, this verse is pointing me in a different direction, and that would be back at me. That little kid adage about "you shouldn't point because when you do you have 3 fingers pointing back at you" yup it's true. I have blamed my attitude and mood on my co-worker because when I am away from Him I am not in that mood, but this verse calls me out on the fact that I have not truly given it to God and I have kept it all internally. I have, and I know it. I didn't want to forgive him because I am tired of being walked over. I didn't want to forget because I felt I needed ammunition. I have not been portraying a Godly attitude, or seeking God in the situation and my "bones are turning to powder". My life as I know it, is being crushed. I asked God the other day why it takes such magnitude for me to get on board, and get with the program, why can't I take the little hints, the nudges? I do think it is because I have not been open to accept them, I think that since I can handle every situation with God that I must try and I need to remember that sometimes He gives us horrible situations not to go through them but to remind us what He is delivering us from!
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