Monday, May 31, 2010

day 1 of team work

So today was a lot of fun. It actually didn't rain at all today.. Thanks, Agatha, for the reprieve. We went to the comedor where they give little kids with no food at home food, and work with them on school things. We taught a VBS to these adorable little kids about teamwork and helping out your friends. I was in charge of games, but I thought I would have older kids so the games I planned for were not really possible, but we had a lot of fun playing Simon says, passing a soccer ball, and duck duck goose.

Afterwards the other interns and I as well as part of the team here went to the park in town and played soccer... we tried to get some of the locals to play with us, but they looked us like we were the loca gringos and declined our offer. In fact the only local to come around our big group was the crazy old townie guy who walks around with a cup asking for things... fun thing is he like so many others here always had a smile on his face and was not bothered at all by his circumstances, just happy to be able to do what he does. I love the happy hears of the people here!

side note... i'm going to try to add pictures to this post, but I can't upload things except between 2-5 am so until I get to an internet cafe it'll have to wait.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rain... teams... learning

Rain! Rain! Go away, come again... wait no don't! It has rained every day since I got here, and i'm not talking a little rain in the afternoon... i'm talking torrential downpours. There is appartntly a tropical depression brewing and stiring over Honduras... roads are closed, busses are getting stuck, airports, schools businesses all closed due to flooding and mudslides. We had a team come in yesterday and on their way to the farm they got stuck in the mud, slid down the "road" and finally got here way late. Their plans for going into the mountains were trashed, and the plan is now to do eye exams at the local schools around Yamaranguila, since we currently can't really get any where else.

We had youth group today after doing eye exams here at the farm for the students and it was amazing! I love that even when music is in spanish, I still am able to worship. And when the message is geared toward students, that I got so much out of it. I love that God knows each hair on my head, He knows His plans, and all I have to do is listen and obey. Such a good reminder, and it just confirmes to me that this is where He wants me and He will make it all happen.

I just love God!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

first few days

So my first few days here in Yamaranguila have been mostly uneventful and pretty low key. I'm lovign the people of course, and I am so ready for my sweet Belky, Flor, and everyone else to get to the farm!!! We have teams scheduled to be here every day all summer except 2 so it will be very interesting and fun! Pictures to come:) Miss everyone!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Okay, so today while reading my usual bloggie friends blogs, I came across this post on Shannon Ethridge's blog... and this sentence is what stuck out to me...

Here’s the thing ladies–God made us to respond to passion. To wooing. To desire. He created us, as women, to physically and emotionally respond when pursued. And that, is to be celebrated.
this had these verses following...

“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love. With loving-kindness I have pursued you…” (Jeremiah 31:3)

“How precious are Your thoughts towards me, O God. How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand on the shore…” (Psalm 139: 17 & 18)

“Arise my love, my beautiful one, and come away with Me…” (Song of Solomon 2:13)

So, here's why this stuck out to me... What about those women like myself, that passion does not drive? In my life, when I am pursued by guys with any more than fleeting intent I get annoyed and turned off. I'm not a chaser, I just don't like being hounded, no matter how sweetly, politely, good intentioned it is... so how does one go about enjoying and accepting pursuit???