Monday, August 31, 2009

In an effort to stay sane and be a little humorous on a Monday morning I thought I would do this instead of making myself put my incoherent thoughts together...

Who Are You?
1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:00
2. How do you like your steak? On someone else's plate
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Humm... sweeny todd manybe... it was that long ago I know.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Big Brother and Grey's
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Wherever my creator sends me... Somewhere I can help people and expand my eternal circle of friends.
6. What did you have for breakfast? Chlorinated water :)
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Mexican and Cajan
8. What foods do you dislike? This list is way too long so I'll go with all the stuff I'm allergic to :)
9. Favorite Place to Eat? Mercado's, Roosters, the little greek place at my condo
10. Favorite dressing? Ranch or Raspberry Vinegerette.. and Huckelberry if it ever gets here!!!
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Nissa Xterra
12. What are your favorite clothes? Anything that make me look thin!
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? All of Europe, Australia, Greece exp. the islands
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? My cup Runneth OVER
15. Where would you want to retire? well since I want to change professions to Missionary.. I don't ever plan on retiring :)
16. Favorite time of day? When I crawl into my bed whatever time that may be :)
17. Where were you born? Odgen
18. What is your favorite sport to watch? None anymore... jk Gymnastics, swimming, football, volleyball, soccer
19. Bird watcher? not unless you count my observations of them flying in V's in the middle of July Why ?
20. Are you a morning person or a night person? I would say night, but I am up early so who knows...
21. Do you have any pets? Only the sweetest Chihuahua ever!
22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Not yet, ask me Wednesday!
23. What did you want to be when you were little? A Doctor.
24. What is your best childhood memory? Hanging with my dad
25. Are you a cat or dog person? Dog
26. Are you married? Only to my savior
27. Always wear your seat belt? Yes
28. Been in a car accident? yeah a few...
29. Any Pet Peeves? so many, unorganization being at the top of that list, for myself and others :)
30. Favorite Pizza Toppings? I have really become fond of spinach and feta pizzas with alfredo sauce
31. Favorite Flower? Orchids and Hibiscus with a few plumeria thrown in :)
32. Favorite ice cream? Strawberry shortcake Skinny Cow
33. Favorite fast food restaurant? Chic-Fil-A
34. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
35. From whom did you get your last email? a friend
36. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Marshals or Steinmart, target, TJMaxx
37. Do anything spontaneous lately? not so much, I should work on that.
38. Like your job? Yes, somedays.
39. Broccoli? Yes!
40. What was your favorite vacation? Anywhere with my friends.. Cruises are always a safe bet!
41. Last person you went out to dinner with? a bunch of friends
42. What are you listening to right now? Dora.. i'm learning spanish so immersing myself everyway I can
43. What is your favorite color? PINK - The Perfect Princess Color
44. How many tattoos do you have? None. Why would you want to put something permanent on a temporary vessel that is going to succumb to gravity thus making your tattoo unrecognizable.
45. What time did you finish this quiz? 11:00

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First day!

First days of school are always interesting... this year was no different. I set my mind to start swimming every morning before work. I need to do it, and the first day of school seemed like the perfect day to start since I would be starting a routine and then I would be good. Started out perfect! Got up at 4:45 got to the gym by 5 and in the pool I went. 2000 yards later at about 6:00 I got out and noticed my eye was in excruciating pain... humm chlorine must be strong. Nope turns out I took a chunk out of my cornea... How do you do that swimming... I have NO clue, but somehow I managed. So off to the eye Dr. I went about 30 min into school after he opened... thankfully he is a friend and took care of me quickly, but I looked like I was crying all day out of one eye! Ugh. No makeup, hair a mess, and crying out of one eye... goodness gracious what a day!

Monday, August 24, 2009

i'm still alive

So I still exist, and I am actually doing quite well, I have just been extremely busy and for most of the summer away from my computer. My summer was filled with many trips, eye opening revelations, and much needed family, friend, and even a little rest time thrown in. Pictures of all of this will follow, but for now I wanted to share a new plan for my life thanks to this summer and of course my Awesome Father, God!

As mentioned last spring, I went on a mission trip to Honduras with a group from my church in June. It was amazing! It was tiring! It was uplifting! It was revealing! It was inspiring! I could keep going, but for the sake of keeping my few readers interested I won't. :) What I will say is that my life makes sense now. All the trials in my life the past 3 or 4 years did in fact lead to something greater, the people who have come in and out of my life make sense, and all the moves have a purpose. What can I say, patience does have its rewards and being open to God's plan and following often blindly, getting your heart broken by thinks not going the way you want... well they do in fact lead to something greater than you could ever imagine. When I get more information, I'll share even more.