Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend experiences

What a relaxing weekend! Saturday I did absolutely nada except some laundry and light picking up around the house! It was the perfect way to end such a trying week. Spent some time in the word just feeling God's love, and man! was that so needed. Watched Charles in Charge online... hilarious but so mindless it was perfect. Yesterday went to church and felt some more of God's love... and was reminded that He loves us inspite of ourselves and that we ought love others exactly the same way. Humm good reminder! After church my girls and I went to lunch and had great friend time and great conversation. Oh how I cherish girl time. I went for a run late yesterday evening... after searching to no avail for my IPOD which I was distraught about. I however realized, on my run, that when I have my music on I often get lost in my own little world not really taking in whats going on around me. I am so thankful I didn't have my ipod last night. I enjoyed the bay, hearing the waves and birds, amazing. Experiencing all the life in my neighborhood, families playing ball outside in the yards, little kids running around playing in the street, BBQ's with friends... crazy! I often think of my neighborhood being pretty ghetto, but last night I realized that while the houses are crappy, and there are some not so great people for the most part my neighborhood is a place where people feel comfortable being themselves and letting their children just be kids. I am so thankful for my experience last night... now if I could just find my Ipod. I mean how else do I keep track of my mileage. Ugh!


  1. Charles in Charge!!! ohhh, haven't seen that in ages

  2. I hadn't either. I found it online at its pretty amazing. along with all the other shows. Such a money saver! No cable for me!
