Tuesday, May 19, 2009

life lessons

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14 This is the verse I woke up to today, and it could not have been any more fitting for my life today. I have constantly been reminded since moving to the awesome Port Lavaca America, that I am a harsh person who is unapproachable, and apparently to my students the worst person they will ever meet. Well I am sorry that I expect more than mediocrity, and my intentions are to teach you how to live in the world I know it to be and have experienced, not just the insides of the P.L.. My first reaction is to fire back, to react, and for sure not out of love... But I'm learning. Last night the student I was feeling so attacked and wronged by, I wanted to get deported... (whole other story) but I got to thinking Jesus would not have her deported even if she is illegal, and costing $, He would love her and embrace her. I don't know that I am to a point where I can embrace her, or anyone else down here for that matter, but I can try to carry myself out of love. How this looks I am not really sure yet, but I realize that in my life I obviously don't show love... I show hardness. How does one go about changing that; I haven't the foggiest... but I have asked God to show me and guide me, now I just have to learn to see it when He does. Man oh Man why can't life lessons come easy?????

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, much agreement in the fact that it is hard to love students sometimes. I'm not sure what age your students are, but I know it sometimes helps to remember that a lot of students are going through such tough times in their personal lives you have to forgive the anger and harshness that gets directed your way. It is frustration being directed at the wrong person.
