Monday, August 24, 2009

i'm still alive

So I still exist, and I am actually doing quite well, I have just been extremely busy and for most of the summer away from my computer. My summer was filled with many trips, eye opening revelations, and much needed family, friend, and even a little rest time thrown in. Pictures of all of this will follow, but for now I wanted to share a new plan for my life thanks to this summer and of course my Awesome Father, God!

As mentioned last spring, I went on a mission trip to Honduras with a group from my church in June. It was amazing! It was tiring! It was uplifting! It was revealing! It was inspiring! I could keep going, but for the sake of keeping my few readers interested I won't. :) What I will say is that my life makes sense now. All the trials in my life the past 3 or 4 years did in fact lead to something greater, the people who have come in and out of my life make sense, and all the moves have a purpose. What can I say, patience does have its rewards and being open to God's plan and following often blindly, getting your heart broken by thinks not going the way you want... well they do in fact lead to something greater than you could ever imagine. When I get more information, I'll share even more.

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