Thursday, September 9, 2010

light in the darkness

So this week for me has been a crazy week filled with parent complaints, difficult students, and lack of motivation on my part... So I started a project. yes I realize this makes no sense that I have no motivation but I am adding more to my plate... but this, is a project of encouragement meant to lift my spirits as those who come in contact with me. So my project is to find words of encouragement in The Word everyday and share them here. yes I am taking on and committing myself to blog everyday, and yes this has happened before, and no I have never followed through, BUT I think it is worth my effort and maybe if I put reminders everywhere I won't let my distractions distract me too much from getting it done.

So for today, the verse comes from one of my favorite students who is facing many health difficulties and having to give up everything she has loved because she has now been diagnosed with not one but THE top TWO killers of children both of which are dealing with her heart. Please keep her in your prayers as she will soon be getting a cath. and internal defib. Her verse is John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.

This is one of my favorite early morning views, and I can't wait to be back in Honduras to see it all the time!!!

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