Sunday, January 25, 2009

emotional??? no, not me!

So as most of my friends know, I don't have tv. No its not because I think it rots your brain, and no its not because i'm to broke to have it... its because I am not home enough to watch it, and so I can't justify paying for it. Well I also am behind the time technology challenged and have no idea how rabbit ears and those digital converter box things work or how I would go about getting them and installing them.. and that is all okay with me b/c everything I want to watch with the exception of ESPN I can watch for free online and when it is convenient for me... so as usual Sunday nights are my show nights! and I love this, makes it a great way to unwind and relax from the weekend whether I have been working, playing, traveling whatever. its just couch cuddle time with Pixie and its great. Tonight however was a weird experience for me and I have no idea why it happened... but I watched 4 shows and by the end of each of them I was either in tears or tearing up... now I have no reason to , they were not horribly sad, disappointing, emotional endings and I'm not is a sad, depressed state... nor do I have any reason to be emotional. I am not an emotional person like this... now get me angry and you'll see emotional but i'm just not a crier so who knows...

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